B.I.R.D. Program

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Read our 2024 Annual Report

A Legacy of Avian Research

The Warner Parks B.I.R.D. Program contributes to our understanding of the long-term health and viability of bird populations while fostering respect and stewardship for birds, their habitats, and nature.

This group of dedicated researchers and volunteers host a year-round banding station, conduct cutting-edge avian research, and engage in community outreach and education to sustain and enrich birds, their habitats, and each other.

The B.I.R.D. Program is open to Warner Parks visitors and avian enthusiasts alike. Join us at an upcoming event!

Photos by Graham Gerdeman


Get Involved with BIRD

avian research

We manage a year-round bird banding station focused on spring, fall, and winter migration, MAPS, and Motus. We also focus on Eastern Bluebirds, Purple Martins, Hummingbirds, Barn Swallows, and Owls.

public engagement

We connect with 3,500 visitors annually through the public Warner Park Banding Station, bird hikes, naturalist programs, migration celebrations, and banding festivals.


The BIRD Program is able to continue the legacy of avian research and public engagement with the help of our trained and dedicated volunteers.

community partnerships

Our team informs habitat management plans at local and regional levels, collaborating with metro nature centers, the Regional Motus Working Group, TN Wildlife Resources Agency, Bird Safe Nashville, and the Urban Bird Treaty Program.

Get involved in initiatives aimed at creating bird-friendly urban environments in Nashville. Participate in local events, advocate for bird-safe practices, and help us spread the word about the Nashville Urban Bird Treaty.

Latest B.I.R.D. News

2023 Hummingbird Migration Report: Warner Parks BIRD Program

2023 Hummingbird Migration Report: Warner Parks BIRD Program

October can be a bittersweet month for those of us who love hummingbirds. These amazing creatures, among the tiniest birds in the world, have graced our yards and gardens throughout the summer but are now headed back to Mexico and Central America for the Winter....

view all bird news

Did You Know?

Warner Parks Has the Oldest, Continuous Eastern Bluebird Nest Box Project in the U.S.!

It was started in 1936 by Amelia Laskey to monitor nesting success of bluebirds. Dedicated volunteers continue this research project today monitoring 50 nest boxes throughout Warner Parks from March through September.

Fun Fact

Eastern Bluebirds Are Secondary Cavity Nesters

This means they need another animal like a woodpecker to first excavate their breeding cavity. Today, many of us supplement these natural cavities with nest boxes.

Did You Know?

Kentucky Warblers Fly From Central America to North America Each Spring.

Late June is a great time to observe the Kentucky Warblers in Warner Parks, neotropical migrants that fly a great distance each spring to breed and raise their young. Thanks to the BIRD crew and the illuminating discoveries of bird banding, we have documented evidence of adult pairs returning year-after-year to nest in the same area in our parks. Talk about cross-continental consistency!

Current Research & Collaboration

Long-term Fall & Spring Migration Bird Banding

Migration is the most dangerous time during the life cycle of a bird.  Ongoing since 1982, our migration banding research focuses on long-term trends in species composition, numbers, longevity, timing & health/condition of migrating birds, and understanding the importance of Warner Parks as a migratory stop-over site. Spring migration banding is in April and early May while Fall migration banding is from September through mid-November. 

2024 Annual BIRD Report
2023 Annual BIRD Report

Explore blogs:
Changing Seasons, Changing Birds Blog
Fall Bird Migration
Summer Blues

Long-term Winter Bird Banding

While many of our resident birds spend the winter, there many birds who breed in the northern US and Canada migrate to Middle Tennessee to spend the winer with us. Ongoing since 1983, our winter banding research in January and February focuses on long-term trends in species composition, numbers, the timing of arrival & departure of winter residents, and species longevity. 

2024 Annual BIRD Report

Explore blogs:

White-throated Sparrow
Bird Banding: An Exciting Recapture!
Wintering Thrushes

Monitoring Avian Productivity & Survivorship (MAPS)

Ongoing since 1991 as the oldest MAPS banding station in Tennessee, this summer banding research project from May through early August is a partnership with the Institute for Bird Populations. This continent-wide collaborative banding effort is focused on identifying bird populations and understanding breeding habitats and the relationships between population changes and weather, climate, and habitat loss. 

Explore blogs:
Kentucky Warblers in Tennessee

Hummingbird Migration Banding

Each year in August and September, hummingbirds from the eastern United States migrate down to Mexico and Central America where they will spend the winter before heading back north in the spring. Started in 2002, our hummingbird banding research focuses on the health, timing, and population dynamics of migrating hummingbirds.

2023 Hummingbird Migration Report

Explore more: 
Q&A: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
2022 Hummingbird Migration Research Report
Watch: Hummingbird Feeders at the Warner Park Nature Center
Watch: Ruby-throated Hummingbird Research and Banding
Explore the Warner Park Nature Center Youtube Page

Breeding Bird Survey

Both resident birds and Neotropical migrant birds breed here in Middle Tennessee during the summer months. Ongoing since 1985, this June survey is modeled after the national Breeding Bird Survey to track the status and trends of breeding bird populations in Warner Parks.

2024 Annual BIRD Report

North American Breeding Bird Survey

Eastern Bluebird Nest Box Project

In the early 1900s, Eastern Bluebird populations dropped significantly because of habitat loss, increased pesticide use, and the introduction of non-native European Starlings and House Sparrows who out-competed our native bluebirds for nesting cavities. An effort was initiated to supplement these limited cavities with man-made bluebird boxes.

In 1936, nationally known ornithologist Amelia Laskey with the help of the Works Project Administration and local Boy Scouts installed boxes throughout Warner Parks. Mrs. Laskey then monitored the boxes and banded the nestlings to assess occupancy rate and breeding success. This research continues today and is the longest-continuous Eastern Bluebird nest box research project in the United States. Results of our research are submitted annually to the National Bluebird Society where they can assess the long-term population health of bluebirds.

Explore more: 

2024 Eastern Bluebird Report

Eastern Bluebirds in Tennessee
Bluebird Research Published in The Migrant
Bob’s Nature Note on Eastern Bluebirds
Watch: Bluebirds, An American Success Story

Purple Martin Nest and Migration Project

Purple Martins in the eastern United States are one of a few bird species that are dependent on humans for their nest structure – a Purple Martin house or gourd system. Started in 2002, our research assesses the nesting success and phenology of Purple Martins at the gourd systems within the Parks. This data is submitted to the Purple Martin Conservation Association where researchers can assess the population health of martins. In 2021, the BIRD Program began radio-tagging nestlings to learn about their night roosting, foraging, and migration after the nesting season.

Explore more:


Citizen science is a powerful tool to understand long-term bird population trends. We submit the result from each banding session to eBird as well as birds seen and heard during those banding sessions. We encourage you to submit your avian observation to ebird.

Explore more:
Warner Parks – Banding Station eBird Hotspot
Warner Parks – Nature Center eBird Hotspot

Warner Park Bird Blogs


Launched in 2020, this cutting-edge research project contributes to the Motus collaborative research network by utilizing two automated radio telemetry receiver stations within Warner Parks that document the movements of radio-tagged animals. As part of this collaboration, our researchers received a special federal permit to place small solar radio transmitters on five thrush species to understand their stopover and habitat use in Warner Parks and Purple Martins to understand their post-fledging and roost movements and behaviors.

Read more: 

Hurricane Helene & Motus Report

Cell Track Tech – Thrilling Thrush Tracks
Wood Thrush in Warner Parks
Motus: First Foreign Detection
Hurry Hurry Before the Hermit Thrushes Leave
Bird Cast – Tracking Hermit Thrushes in Tennessee
Cutting-edge Bird Research: Motus
Watch: FYI Naturalist – Motus Radio Telemetry

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch is a citizen science project that is conducted from November through April to survey the birds within a small area like a backyard. In 1997, we began contributing to Project FeederWatch at Warner Park Nature Center with volunteers who document the birds seen and heard here. This project is in collaboration with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon to assess long-term trends in distribution & abundance.

Read more:

2024 Annual BIRD Report
Project FeederWatch

Bird Genoscape Project

Using genetic markers from collected feather samples, researchers from the UCLA Center for Tropical Research’s BirdGenoscape Project, can assess population routes of migratory songbirds. In 2015, we began contributing to this research for priority bird species captured during our banding sessions. This information helps to monitor declining populations of migratory bird species.

2024 Annual BIRD Report


Fall, Winter and Spring Bird Counts

Nashville Tennessee Ornithological Society holds seasonal citizen science bird counts in the spring and fall and participates in Audubon’s annual Christmas bird count.  BIRD Program staff and volunteers contribute to these counts to help researchers assess long-term avian population trends.

Barn Swallow Nest Success Project

Like many other aerial insectivorous bird species, Barn Swallow populations have declined by 38% in North America since 1970.  Warner Parks hosts two Barn Swallow breeding colonies at the Warner Park Nature Center and at the Steeplechase Barn. Started in 2018, our research assesses the nesting success of Barn Swallows within Warner Parks. Results are contributed to the iNaturalist Swallow Tracker Project.

Learn more
2024 Annual BIRD Report

Northern Saw-Whet Owl

These small, incredibly cute owls breed in southern Canada and northern United States but during some winters move or irrupt to southern states like Tennessee. To better understand this owl’s migration and possible winter use in Warner Parks, we began banding Northern Saw-whet Owls in 2007 during irruptive movement years. To date, only 3 saw-whets have been captured and banded within Warner Parks.

Read more: 

Northern Saw-Whet Owl Migration
2024 Annual BIRD Report

Upcoming BIRD Events

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