Park News

Winter S.W.E.A.T. Crew Takes On Conservation Projects in Warner Parks
Learn about the conservation and maintenance projects completed by the Warner Parks S.W.E.A.T. Crew this season!

123 Native Trees Planted for Edwin Warner Park Restoration Project
The Edwin Warner Park Land and River Restoration Project continues with native tree plantings along the floodway of the Little Harpeth River.

Reintroducing the American Chestnut at Warner Parks
In partnership with The American Chestnut Foundation, Friends of Warner Parks has planted 5 backcross American Chestnuts in the Warner Parks.

2022 Warner Parks Holiday Gift Guide
The 2022 Warner Parks Holiday Gift Guide features sweatshirts, hats, books, prints, and more for all your giving needs this season. Check it out!

Warner Park BIRD Program Purple Martin Report 2022
Warner Park BIRD Team assesses arrival & departure dates, reproductive success, and population trends of Purple Martins at Warner Parks.

Hummingbird Migration Research Report 2022
Hummingbird Migration Project Report for the 2022 season from our Warner Parks BIRD Team, including highlights from the banding table.

Metro Parks to Remove EAB Infested Ash Trees This Fall
Metro Parks announced phase one of plans to remove EAB-infested ash trees along pedestrian paths in the Warner Parks this fall.

Humans of Warner Parks Spotlight: Alan Frye
Alan Frye is the newest member of the Friends of Warner Parks team, our restoration expert and resident stone mason!

Additional Improvements to Percy Warner Park Entrance
Friends of Warner Parks will fund improvements to the Percy Warner Park entrance including the installation of a new plaza and enhanced landscaping.

Q&A: The Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Our resident BIRD Program expert Laura Cook compiled some information and incredible facts about the Ruby-throated Hummingbird.