Friends of Warner Parks’ new book A History of Nashville’s Warner Parks takes readers through the history of this cherished park land from 500,000,000 years ago to the present.
Nature News About
Park History
Betts Cemetery
Below the famous Gravity Hill in Edwin Warner Park is another tucked away treasure – the Betts home place and Betts Cemetery…
Bob Parrish: Living Library
Bob became the second Warner Park Nature Center Director in 1977, instrumental in establishing the nonprofit status of Friends of Warner Parks and affectionately known as the Living Library.
Historic Stone Walls of Warner Parks
WPA (Works Progress Administration) walls constructed in the 1930s and 40s line the roads in both Percy and Edwin Warner Parks. Work for preserving these historic walls is a major initiative for Friends of Warner Parks.
Nashville Landmark Reopens
Celebrate with us as we reopen the Allée after a complete restoration to this historic structure as part of our Capital Campaign.
Allée Questions Answered: Asymmetry and Other Historical Oddities
Why not Fix the Asymmetrical Steps and Other Oddities in the Restoration? Most historic renovation projects strive to retain the design, workmanship, and materials of the original structure. Over time, the original construction efforts and subsequent renovations tell...
Allee Questions Answered: What’s the Wishing Well?
Why was a limestone "wishing well" looking structure constructed beside the asphalt road? Designer Bryant Fleming never intended for this to happen, but during periods of moderate to heavy rainfall, the Allée transformed from a pedestrian walkway into a tumbling...
Allée Questions Answered: World War I Monument
Why is a World War I Monument a Part of the Allée? In 1917, 10 years before the establishment of the Warner Parks, a World War I training camp was in operation at the present location of the Percy Warner Golf Course. "Camp Andrew Jackson" was the name of this facility...
Allée Questions Answered: Nature-Focused Initiative
What is going on in the woods near the Allée? It’s not only masonry repairs and drainage improvements, the Allée rehabilitation project includes a number of nature-focused initiatives. The first of these is the eradication of invasive plants - woody shrubs and...
Allée Questions Answered: Flagstone Pavers
Locally Sourced Flagstone Pavers Originally, most of the surface of the Allée walkways was made up of small-size gravel, an unstable material that was prone to washing out with the rain that did not provide safe footing for today’s heavy foot traffic. A decision was...