In 2020, the BIRD Program received training and federal approval from the Bird Banding Laboratory to radio-tag five species of thrushes to help us better to understand if Warner Parks, close to an urban center and with intact forests, provides important habitat for birds.
Nature News About
Bob’s Nature Note: Eastern Bluebirds
You might have seen Eastern Bluebirds around Ridge Field in Edwin Warner Park… The Warner Park BIRD team operates approximately 50 bluebird boxes throughout the Warner Parks, with 3 within the ideal habitat that is Ridge Field in Edwin Warner Park.
BIRD Research Breaking News: Foreign Detection
First Foreign Detection: The Warner Park Nature Center Tracked Bird from Nashville to Costa Rica. Evidence indicates Nashville’s Warner Parks are an important habitat for migratory, wintering, and breeding birds.
Northern Saw-whet Owl Migration
On 03 November 2021, BIRD researchers captured and banded a young, male Northern Saw-whet Owl in Warner Parks.
BIRD Research: First Foreign Detection
The Warner Park Nature Center Tracked Bird from Nashville to Costa Rica Evidence indicates Nashville’s Warner Parks are an important habitat for migratory, wintering, and breeding birds The BIRD Research Program at the Warner Park Nature Center (WPNC) in Nashville...
Cutting Edge BIRD Research: Motus
Cutting-edge Research Featured on TN Wild Side For decades, Warner Parks has played a significant role in advancing our understanding of birds here in Tennessee. Warner Parks has the oldest, continuous Eastern Bluebird Nest Box project in the U.S, started in 1936 by...
Kentucky Warblers in Tennessee
Cross-continental Connections Late June is a great time to observe the Kentucky Warblers in Warner Parks, neotropical migrants that fly from Central America to North America each spring to breed and raise their young. Leave it to the B.I.R.D. crew to have documented...
Eastern Bluebirds in Tennessee
What's Love Got To Do With It Love, Joy, Hope, Renewal, Prosperity … these are some of the symbolic words often used to describe our Eastern Bluebirds. Lucky for us, this beautiful bird can be seen year-round in our area and particularly in Warner Parks where we have...
BIRD Research Published in The Migrant
Eastern Bluebird Born in Warner Parks We are proud to share the heartwarming story of a female Eastern Bluebird, who was born in a nest box on the Percy Warner Golf Course in July ‘10, banded when 8-days old by Diana McLusky, a licensed bird bander and...
Yellow Throated Warbler
At Warner Park Nature Center, we are thrilled with the return of our summer birds. Many of them departed to warmer climates for the winter and have survived the long journey north to return here to breed at Warner Parks. One of our favorites is the Yellow-throated...