A project to restore Warner Parks grasslands and meadows, in the spirit of Warner Parks founder and dear friend, Clare Armistead.

Plants and Trees
A project to restore Warner Parks grasslands and meadows, in the spirit of Warner Parks founder and dear friend, Clare Armistead.
Friends of Warner Parks has been working to restore the floodway along the Little Harpeth River in Edwin Warner Park by rebuilding shelters.
The Edwin Warner Park Land and River Restoration Project continues with native tree plantings along the floodway of the Little Harpeth River.
In partnership with The American Chestnut Foundation, Friends of Warner Parks has planted 5 backcross American Chestnuts in the Warner Parks.
Metro Parks announced phase one of plans to remove EAB-infested ash trees along pedestrian paths in the Warner Parks this fall.
Read Bob’s Nature Note about some of the first wildflowers to appear in the Warner Parks: bloodroot wildflowers, named for their colorful rhizomes.
In partnership with The Nature Conservancy and F&W Forestry, a forest inventory of all 3,187 acres of our Warner Parks was conducted… here are the results: