Park News

Percy Warner Golf Course Renovations Complete, Jim Nantz Joins Ribbon Cutting Celebration
Jim Nantz joined the ribbon-cutting celebration after a year-long restoration of the Percy Warner Golf Course in Percy Warner Park.

“I’m Not Afraid of Bugs Anymore!” and Other Summer Camp Highlights
The Urban Nature Program provides outdoor and environmental education experiences for Nashville’s urban youth. Here are some summer 2023 highlights!

Fall Bird Migration
Warner Parks BIRD Program Coordinator Laura Cook reflects on the wonders and importance of fall migration season.

Nashville’s Birding Hotspots
Check out this map of the top birding hotspots in Nashville and the greater Davidson County area, curated by local expert Graham Gerdeman.

Warner Park Nature Center Summer Report
Check out the Warner Park Nature Center Summer Report, highlighting summer camps, programs, volunteers, special events, and more!

Local Scouts Take to the Trails, Bridges, and Trees in Warner Parks
Local scouts have made a huge impact on resource management in Warner Parks. Here are a few of their latest projects!

Restoration of Little Harpeth River Floodway Nears Completion
Friends of Warner Parks has been working to restore the floodway along the Little Harpeth River in Edwin Warner Park by rebuilding shelters.

City of Nashville Receives First Urban Bird Treaty Designation in Tennessee
The City of Nashville has been designated the First Urban Bird Treaty City in the state of Tennessee thanks to local collaborative efforts.

A Letter to the Warner Park Nature Center
A letter written by Lyn Rutherford reflecting on the impact the Warner Park Nature Center has made on her life.

Cane Connector Trail Temporarily Closed for Bridge Repair
The Cane Connector trail in Percy and Edwin Warner Park is temporarily closed for bridge repairs as part of our Trail Restoration Project.