The Warner Parks BIRD Program is participating in a hemispheric research and conservation with a goal to radio tag 600 Wood Thrushes globally.

The Warner Parks BIRD Program is participating in a hemispheric research and conservation with a goal to radio tag 600 Wood Thrushes globally.
Each March, Purple Martins return to Nashville from South America to roost, signaling the arrival of spring.
October can be a bittersweet month for those of us who love hummingbirds. These amazing creatures, among the tiniest birds in the world, have graced our yards and gardens throughout the summer but are now headed back to Mexico and Central America for the Winter....
Warner Parks BIRD Program Coordinator Laura Cook reflects on the wonders and importance of fall migration season.
Check out this map of the top birding hotspots in Nashville and the greater Davidson County area, curated by local expert Graham Gerdeman.
The City of Nashville has been designated the First Urban Bird Treaty City in the state of Tennessee thanks to local collaborative efforts.
Warner Park BIRD Team assesses arrival & departure dates, reproductive success, and population trends of Purple Martins at Warner Parks.
Hummingbird Migration Project Report for the 2022 season from our Warner Parks BIRD Team, including highlights from the banding table.
Our resident BIRD Program expert Laura Cook compiled some information and incredible facts about the Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
News of a Pine Siskin recapture in Farwell, Michigan, 1.5 years after our Warner Parks BIRD team banded the bird in November 2020.