Annual Programs

Special Research and Education funded by Friends of warner Parks

Annual Programs at the Warner Park Nature Center

In partnership with Warner Park Nature Center, Metro Parks, and others, Friends of Warner Parks provides funding for programs that have a profound impact on the lives of thousands in Middle Tennessee each year, each with something unique to offer.

SWEAT—Special Work Education and Trails

Young adults trade SWEAT equity for environmental education in this seasonal, eight-week work/learn/earn program that benefits both person and park. Attendees make improvements to Warner Parks’ hiking trails, organic gardens, footbridges, landscaping, and facilities. In return, they gain valuable knowledge and team-building experience in organic gardening methods, trail maintenance techniques, use of landscaping tools, the natural history of native plants and animals, impact of invasive species, and natural area management.

Check out the SWEAT Program
Check Out the BIRD Program

BIRD—Bird Information Research and Data

The BIRD Program at Warner Park Nature Center is a unique combination of bird research and public education. Park visitors can watch bird banding in action, participate in bird hikes, and engage in citizen science!

With 16 research focal points, the BIRD program includes projects such as fall and spring migration banding, summer MAPS research, Eastern Bluebird Nest Box Project, Hummingbird Migration, Breeding Bird Survey, Purple Martins, Barn Swallows, Motus, and participation in eBird, iNaturalist, Project FeederWatch, Bird Geoscape, and more.

Nature Discovery

This unique program gets urban youth outside and excited about the natural world and biodiversity; helps them develop a level of comfort being in the outdoors; promotes a connection to and appreciation of nature and wildlife, and fosters a feeling of responsibility in caring for and protecting the environment.
Check out Nature Discovery

Upcoming Nature Center Events


Quarry Quest

Quarry Quest

Time 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Let's visit the quarry in search of rocks, fossils, and stories the land can tell us about the past. Open to all ages!

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